Eight Questions With Featured Grey Swan Guild Member: Agustín Borrazás
Chief Executive Director, Content Strategist, Singularity & Transhumanism Expert and HODLer on Bitcoin, we call him Borra
Our Eight Questions is part of our ongoing series profiling some of the amazingly talented members of our global Grey Swan Guild and get behind the curtain of what makes them think and sense the world differently and more effectively than others.
Agustín Borrazás — Uruguayan Trappist Monk by training, Polished by the Interwebs, The Southern Hemispheres’ Gary Vee
Bio: Agustin studied Communications at the UCU with an emphasis in advertising and at 24 years old and he felt a vocation to the contemplative monastic life. Throughout his twenties, he lived in Argentina, Colombia, USA and Uruguay in different monasteries and although he never made a vow, it helped me a lot to train in the areas of philosophy and theology.
Agustin is a dyed-in-the wool entrepreneur, building out startup culture in Montevideo. He has lived in Argentina, Colombia and United States, blending learning along the way. He is shrewd and resourceful, applying exegesis and hermeneutics. Driven by a higher vision of humanity’s state, he manifests abundance and uses synchronicities to gain even more knowledge as he gives back to others. He believes strongly in the empowerment of women and reducing the gap in gender equality. He is involved in combining his drive to construct co-working spaces in Uruguay with his passion for exponential technologies.
A Sensemaking Metaphorical Tool You Personify:
The Holy Grail of sensemaking, discovering the eternal youth of truth.
1. Who are you/ what makes you tick?
I’m someone who is bedazzled by life. Death and what’s next makes me tick for sure and also trying to predict or feel my own death. Trying to make it to heaven : ).
2. What are some of the important questions that you are making sense of nowadays?
- Nowadays it’s all about the war that is being waged on humanity on many fronts
- How the consequences of Covid will affect our future as a whole?
- Converging contemplative ways and the world’s ways in Singularity, Posthumanism and Transhumanism
3. How are some of the ways you go about making sense of the world?
Akashic records, that’s for sure : ) . I usually try to connect the dots and learn from different sources and points of view.
4. What is overhyped? What is underhyped?
- Overhyped: Cancel Culture …………………
- Underhyped: Christian Transhumanism
5. Who is at your sensemaker last supper? Four people?
- Pope Francis, the first Pope from the Americas and the Southern Hemisphere
- Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States
- Chris Martin, lead singer, pianist and co-founder of alternative rock band Coldplay
- Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist
6. What big and small question would you love answered or solved?
Big question: Life and the 11 dimensions & Synchronicities?
Small question: Where has that plane disappeared to?
7. When you are not thinking deeply about the world, what else are you passionate about in your day to day life?
- Gaming (many different games)
- Different web platforms and formats
- NFTS and crypto.
8. What do you enjoy about being in the Guild, curating the Day of the Swan and being News Wrap editorial lead?
Love the work. the flow. the sense of community and all that that compromises. AMEN.
Find Agustin at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/agustinborra/
Twitter: @ABmvd
Blog: https://blogdeagustinborra.blogspot.com/
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Attend our next new member onboarding regatta: https://bit.ly/gsgregattaNov21
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Join us November 3rd for our October Feature City Boston Town Hall — https://bit.ly/gsgBoston
This Week’s Events
We assemble Friday and Sunday on Clubhouse this week for these two mind expanding events :
Join us November 5th Friday 1pm ET: https://www.clubhouse.com/event/M5Y5ErNJ
Join us Sunday 11am ET: https://www.clubhouse.com/event/maA88zZW
Grey Swan Guild — Our Mission
To Make Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges and Next Grey Swans — curating and creating knowledge through observation, sensemaking, critical thinking, informed futurism, strategic foresight and analysis. www.greyswanguild.org
Grey Swan Guild
Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges — curating and creating knowledge through observation, informed futurism, and analysis🦢