End of the Year Intelligence GQ Test Edition #1

Grey Swan Guild
3 min readDec 22, 2021


Investigate your Craft, Balance out your Intelligences, Go Deeper on the World Around You

Take our GQ Fun test: https://bit.ly/gsgendoftheyearQ

Stemming from our last big guild event of the year Grey Swan Jeopardy, we are producing three editions of the Grey Swan GQ Test — short for Guild Quotient. Here is our 1st edition: https://bit.ly/gsgendoftheyearQ


Some may view these multiple choice games & tests as whimsy and trivial. I disagree. I’d prefer to see them as springboards for discovery and balancing out our full range of intelligence. Plus, it can be fun and rewarding knowing something or learning something.

Charles Spearman once posited that there are five types of general intelligence that all others are built on the backs on:

  • Fluid reasoning: This involves the ability to think flexibly and solve problems.
  • Knowledge: This is a person’s general understanding of a wide range of topics and can be equated with crystallized intelligence.
  • Quantitative reasoning: This involves an individual’s capacity to solve problems that involve numbers.
  • Visual-spatial processing: This relates to a person’s abilities to interpret and manipulate visual information, such as putting together puzzles and copying complex shapes.
  • Working memory: This involves the use of short-term memory such as being able to repeat a list of items.

A good analogy to the above list would be as general intelligence is to specific types of intelligence, so athleticism is to playing different types of sport.

At risk of being a mere evaluative tool for assessing what he called g and an individual’s differences in “ability”, Spearman also acknowledged that “every normal man, woman, and child is … a genius at something … It remains to discover at what …”.


Each of our three editions attempt to balance out our craniums with questions that we believe, upon further investigation, would make people better critical thinkers, future thinkers, intelligence-minded, leaders and sensemakers. It’s part of our mission after all, to not only impart new intelligence on the world’s biggest challenges and next Grey Swans but get people to think differently and more broadly.

Here is a visual collage of some of the topics covered off in this inaugural version of our Grey Swan GQ Test:

Edition #1 Visual Collage — https://bit.ly/gsgendoftheyearQ

Categories of GQ

The questions cover off the full range of our intelligence and change orientations. Explorations of our collective crafts include:

  • Futures, Foresights & Forecasting
  • Sensemaking, Insights & Change
  • Interpretation, Hindsights & History
  • Knowledge, Logic & Reasoning
  • Thinking, Learning & Intelligence
  • The World — Events, Personalities and Trends
  • Design, Innovation & Creativity
  • Socioology, Psychology & Philosophy
  • Science, Technology & Progress
  • Business, Government & Causes
  • Values, Meaning & Purpose
  • Leadership, Governance & Ethics
  • Interdisciplinary, Combinations & Integrations

Enjoy test #1, we will roll out follow up editions over the next couple of holiday weeks.

  • Caveat — if you were part of the December 21st Grey Swan Jeopardy event, you will have already seen some of these questions, wait for Edition #3 for an entirely new set of questions
  • Caveat #2 — we have asked for your email upfront to hopefully connect with you in the future on joining a future GQ Jeopardy finalist tournament and joining our Guild for other events (if new to the Guild).
Learn about & Join the Grey Swan Guild — https://www.greyswanguild.org/



Grey Swan Guild
Grey Swan Guild

Written by Grey Swan Guild

Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges & Next Grey Swans — curating and creating knowledge through observation, informed futurism, and analysis🦢

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