Get your weekend bones on. The Band is back in town! And we have the news. Digital Maven, Doyle Buehler is at the helm from the newsdesk of the #sensemaking storytellers of the #greyswanguild.
Here <click>
Each week we cover the Great, The Good the Ugly news and events while watching for grey and silver swans, and we throw in a panopticon of tools to help make some helpful sense of the world.
This week Doyle tries to make sense of Cinqo Di Mayo, 3DPrinted Houses, BitCoin Adoption, Nine-tuplets, (call for help!), future of work, and travel. And that just the good stuff! In the bad columns, we have deep fake space, covid19 anxiety syndrome (PTSD anyone?), and the Gatesian Great Divide and the Big Break Up too.
The Weekly GSG Wrap is a collection of wryly written commentary creating a #newslens of writing and reporting from news around the world.
Each News Wrap is led by a lead editor each week, supported by expert submitters of tips, editors and writers that are both curious and seekers of curiosity that what to help explain our understanding of a world. (psst. it’s a GREAT way to be a contributing member of the Grey Swan Guild)
In each blurb, watch out for the questions. Sometimes sensemaking is much more about the right question and not a made-up answer. Rob Tyrie along with a team of fantastic editors and writers — will be leading the Wrap next week. #writers #earn #swancoin