Grey Swan Guild Morphs Again …

Grey Swan Guild
5 min readDec 27, 2022


Five Decisions that our 2023 General Assembly Decided On for the Coming Year.

Since our inception, our Grey Swan Guild has been member-driven. We Think Together. Act Together. Decide Together. Collaboration is rooted in our four core values. The name Grey Swan Guild actually came from our 1st General Assembly vote.

Our ongoing focus is to empower our most passionate and talented Guild members to be great, not to enforce some centralized handcuffs onto their already controlled lives. In that same spirit, we asked the top 5% of our Guild what we are going to do this coming year in our December 21st General Assembly before 2023 begins.

Here’s what we decided as 2023 General Assembly approved motions moving forward.

Guild General Assembly — Five Key Votes

I) Atelier Themes

For the last eighteen months, we have hosted Guild-wide attended workshops named Ateliers where we bring the most expert and the most curious among us together for a two hour interactive session where we go beneath the surface of topics that matter. We all benefit from the expertise that collides.

As much as we want to encourage grassroots Guild collaborations, we recognize sometimes this needs a push. Our front row group decided to convene a session on Climate in the first half of the year and Leading Edge Technology in the secend half of the year (see results below).

Action Steps:

A central Guild organizing group will conduct a Climate-based Atelier January 26th and Technology-based Atelier October 12th, 2023 with 3 hosts and 5 guests each. Other organizing teams of three can create whatever relevant-themed workshop by contacting Sean/Rob or placing names in our Participation Register (Row F1–5).

II) New Venture (Cygnus Experiment)

We launched twelve venture groups in 2022 9 (nine ongoing and two cancelled) and our focus in 2023 is to “make the impossible HAPPEN”. With that in mind, we determined we had room and capacity for only one more new Cygnus Venture in 2023.

Our General Assembly decided on Cygnus/Swan Speaks… a keynote and training speakers bureau that had the most merit (see voting results below). Given the wealth of talented people we attract and thought leadership that the Guild performs, we wholeheartedly agree and had an advance group already considering this as a possible commercial venture.

Action Step:

A small group out of our Cygnus Sprints consulting group will plan a Cyugnus /Swan Speaks launch for April’23. If you would like to join them please add your name into our 2023 Participation Register (Row S).

New Cygnus Venture — General Assembly Vote

III) Swancoin Tokenized Rewards

As a way to reward many forms of contribution to the Guild, we will be introducing a blockchain-based token for activities positive to Guild that will provide Guild renumeration, access and influence.

We asked our General Assembly what we should reward as positive contribution (see results below).

Action Step:

We will look to introduce Swancoin token as a reward for many forms of Guild contribution based on the ranked criteria of our vote below (project leadership and management inching to the fornt as the #1 positive act). We will implement no sooner than our first marquee event 1,000 Day Radar (March 8th & 9th) and no later than our 2nd marquee event Day of the Swan (May 3rd and 4th).

If you would like to join our project group imple

menting our Swancoin token please add your name into our 2023 Participation Register (Row R).

Swancoin Token Reward For — General Assembly Vote

IV) Guild Hygiene Factors

No matter how successful we get as a Guild, we know there is always stuff we could improve as a community and in the daily running of our operations. We asked our General Assembly what might be the top thing we should optimize for (see results below). Deeper and easier forms of collaboration was deemed #1 by a fairly hefty margin. We will make that our 2023 Guild operational focus.

Action Step:

We will look build a crack team three-five online community experts and leaders to crack the code on Guild collaboration opportunities, incentives. policy, notices and processes. If you would like to become a leading voice in our Guild collaboration place your name onto our 2023 Participation Register (Row Y).

Guild Hygine Factors — General Assembly Vote

V) Guild Motivation to Participate in 2023

We understand what brought us together in 2020 is not the same balance of factors that will keep us together in 2023. As we look to “double our circle” in 2023, we asked the question “what trigger would get you to positive impact our Guild more in 2023?”

Consistent with the results in General Assembly motion #4, deeper/easier/better forums for collaboration was #1, followed closely by learning/intelligence improvement and monetary incentives/project gigs.

Action Step:

We feel the actions out of General Assembly Motion #IV may help out of collaboration.

  • Member-driven Ateliers, Salons and centrally organizaed General Assmeblie will help provide forums for getting together and connected
  • Our Craft-Building Series (once per month), Masterclasses (6 beta events), Weathervanes (quarterly research waves) and Radar Collections (quarterly trend reports) + plus a combined effort on a subscription Trend Bank for April’23 will provide enhanced forums for intelligence.
  • Our other ventures Cygnus Sprints, Cygnus Speaks, Compendium & Compass, Uncertainty-the Playbook and Swancoin, all will help realize members commercial goals and hopes for monetary reward.

If you would like to tap into any of these benefits please place your name onto our 2023 Participation Register (Rows D&F, Rows, Rows B, M, N & O and Rows I, J, Q, R & S).

Guild 2023 Motivations— General Assembly Vote

Author: Sean Moffitt, Grey Swan Guild Co-Founder and Managing Director, Futureproofing / Cygnus Sprints — striving to leave things better than when I found them.

Grey Swan Guild — The Post-Modern Guild

Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges and Next Grey Swans — through content, experiences, intelligence, learning, community and ventures 🦢. Come see what we are all about:



Grey Swan Guild
Grey Swan Guild

Written by Grey Swan Guild

Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges & Next Grey Swans — curating and creating knowledge through observation, informed futurism, and analysis🦢

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